PWC History

Peninsula Wilderness Club History
Click here for a comprehensive overview detailing much of the club’s history. Document is in PDF format. (Updated January 2024)

Peninsula Wilderness Club Officers and Staff (Past and Present)
Click here for a list of past and present officers and staff that have been involved with the Peninsula Wilderness Club throughout the years. Document is in PDF format. (Updated January 2025)

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Historical Scrapbooks

The PWC has been around since the late 1970s. Some of our members have collected scraps of news and pictures since the early days. Recently we went through the process of digitizing much of this content. The content here is mostly from the 80s and 90s. Click the links below for the different scrapbook volumes.

1980s Vol 1

1980s Vol 2

1980s Vol 3

1990s Vol 1

1990s Vol 2

1990s Vol 3

Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings

When Scrapbook opens, use the left and right arrow keys to turn pages or use the mouse. Clicking on the pages will allow you to zoom in and out. Close the window to return to this page. If you have problems, be sure you are using an up to date browser.

Thanks to the Weigels for the use of their Penwicle library for historical reference, and to all who have been involved over the years in maintaining the physical scrapbooks.

Special thanks to Margaret Poshusta, our club historian for compiling all the data. 


The entire library of Penwicle newsletters is available for viewing here.